Professional, Sophisticated, Personal Consultant
We are a Professional Wedding Consultant Company that brings you over 20 years experience in the Wedding & Retail Field. If you dont have the time or patience for all the intricate details that are required for the preparation of your special day, allow Little Whyte Dress Wedding Concierge to assist you. We love to Plan, Prepare, and Shop Until We Drop!
Initial Consultation Non Refundable Fee -$50
LWD requires a 1 hour consultation consisting of Client profile analysis, service contractual agreement, and visual merchandise manual review detailing bridal merchandise selections.
Wedding Day Event Coordinator Fee -$250 & Up
LWD will attend Wedding Ceremony Rehearsal and also provide a complete agenda for the ceremony and reception formalities to the hired DJ, Photographer and Catering Staff. LWD will be the key contact source on the day of the scheduled event.​
Wedding Detail Planner Fee -$350 & Up
LWD will assist the Client in finding the perfect wedding venue for the ceremony and reception. Gather ideas for floral arrangements, invitations, music, photographer, cake selections, and hotel accommodations for out of town guest.
Bridal Fashion Stylist Fee -$250 & Up
LWD will assist the client with selecting the Bridal Attire for the Wedding Party. LWD will collect assorted illustrations and fabric swatches to coordinate with the Client's personal color scheme. LWD will provide Bridal Party fitting schedules and assist the Client in ordering the dresses and tuxedos with the Client's final approval.​